This page shows our prices for our company’s most popular services. Some of our services are not included as the prices for them are calculated on a case by case basis. If you would like a quotation for any service not included in our price list please write to or call the office. All prices are in British Pouunds Sterling (GBP). The following charges are not included: UK Border Agency application fees, tribunal/ court fees, translators’, specialist report’s fees, where needed. All disbursements/ expenses, such as postage and packaging, file keeping, travel to court expenses are inclusive of the prices. Please note that all prices listed on this page are for standard services and may be subject to increases, where an individual case requires non-standard services
European Economic Community ApplicationsApplications for registration certificate as a qualified person: form EEA (QP)
- Applications for a registration certificate or residence card for a family member: form EEA (FM)
- Applications for a document certifying permanent residence or permanent residence card: form EEA (PR)
- Applications for a registration certificate or residence card for an extended family member: form EEA (EFM)
- Applications for Croatian citizens: blue or yellow certificate for Croatian: form CR(1), CR(2), purple certificate form CR(3), residence card (non-EEA family) form CR(4), residence stamp (non-EEA family): form CR(5)
- Applications for derivative residence card in UK: form DRF1
- Applications for EEA family permit: form VAF5
Application for an extension of stay in the UK as the partner of a person present and settled in the UK and for a biometric immigration document
Application for Leave to remain as a stateless person
Application for leave to remain in the UK on the basis of your family life as a partner or parent or on the basis of your private life in the UK Form FLR (EP) Form to apply to extend stay for leave to remain in the UK on the basis of long residence Form FLR (LR) Settlement in UK on other basis SET (O) Application for Settlement as a victim of domestic violence Form SET(DV)
Application for settlement in the UK by a person with refugee leave or leave on grounds of humanitarian protection FORM (SET P)
Application for indefinite leave to remain in the UK as a child or a dependant of a parent/parents or relative present or settled in the UK Form SET(F)
For someone who already has indefinite leave to enter or remain in the UK